How to share your BEATSURFING2 MAPS?

To use the Share MAPS Catalog and share your MAPS with the community you need to login.
If you don’t have an account on our website yet, you need to create it and give your consent to the terms of use.

Frequently asked questions

Uploaded content responsibility
The content you upload on this platform must be free of rights meaning that you own every sound or sample used. Therefore you agree that your map and its content will be downloaded and used by other users. In any circumstances BEATSURFING will not be responsible for the content contained in the uploaded maps. The user will be solely responsible for his content.

Click on the 3 dots on the right side of each Maps
Your map has been saved in the Download Folder

Here is the folder you must copy/download the map in:
"Files" > "Beatsurfing2" > "Maps" > "Name of your map"

Click on the Map you want to download
Wait for the download to start
Your map has been saved in your Download Folder

From iPad or Desktop
Click on "Add your files" or the "+" button
Open the folder that contains your map
Select your map and open it

Default iPad folder:
"Files" > "Beatsurfing2" > "Maps" > "Name of your map"

Save your map on your iPad
Go to the main screen
Hit the button "export" on the right side of the map

Where to find the saved file?
Using the iPad file browser, navigate to
"Files" > "Beatsurfing2" > "Maps" > "Name of your map"

Before importing, make sure that your map is contained in the BEATSURFING folder on your iPad.
"Files" > "Beatsurfing2" > "Maps" > "Name of the map"

Open the App
Go to the main screen
Hit "Import Maps"

Open the folder that contains the downloaded map
Select the map and open it

